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Museums and galleries


Civic Gallery "G. Cattabriga"

Galileo Cattabriga (1901-1969), a painter well known also outside Bondeno, gave his name to the museum housed in a warehouse in the rear of Teodoro Bonati's birthplace.


Municipal Gallery

The Municipal Gallery is housed in a Eighteenth-century building. In 1839 the works of the Gallery were first exhibited inside the palace

Gallery of Modern Art "A. Bonzagni"

Temporary closed. The Gallery of Modern Art in Cento, dedicated to the Centese painter Aroldo Bonzagni (1887-1918), was created thanks to the artist's sister who, since the 1960s donated important works to the municipal picture gallery both by his brother and by other artists related to him.

Sandro Parmeggiani Museum

In 1995 the donation of several paintings of the artist Sandro Parmeggiani, gave birth to a museum dedicated to him...


The Pickling Factory

The imposing eel pickling factory at Comacchio has reopened its doors

Museum of Contemporary Art "Remo Brindisi"

In viale Nicolò Pisano, not far from the beach, at Lido di Spina there is the splendid and modern villa - museum of the contemporary painter Remo Brindisi, who loved to spend here his leisure time.

Ancient Delta Museum

In Antico Ospedale degli Infermi is the new Ancient Delta Museum, which today houses the entire cargo of a Roman ship discovered near Comacchio


Museum "La Tratta"

This museum was set up in an 18th century farmhouse in and houses exhibits relating to the traditions and culture of the Copparo area.

Museo Villa Bighi

Villa Bighi was built in 1963 by the eclectic artist Dante Bighi who used it as his home and gallery.


Trot Centre

The Trot Centre (Centro del Trotto) conserves an impressive collection, unique in Italy, of documents, prints, mementoes and objects on the discipline of trot racing of great historical-documentary interest.


The Wood and Deer Museum of Mesola

The Wood and Deer Museum is located in the reception rooms of the Castle of Estense di Mesola.


Museum of the Territory

The Civic Museum of the Territory of Ostellato received the Museums of Quality Recognition based on the standards and objectives of quality of the Emilia-Romagna Region.


Archaeological Museum: the Necropolis of the Fadieni Family

The museum is located in the rooms of the Delizia del Verginese.


Antique Radio Museum

One of the few Italian museums of this kind, with its more than 200 precious antique radios from Italy and abroad. An example of how culture can be preserved in small city centres.


Museum Ferruccio Lamborghini

This centre houses all the activities and production lines for the celebrated automobile company


Museum of historical modelling

The museum is divided into different sections. One of the main attractions is the exceptional railway model, still working

Civic Museum of Belriguardo

The museum is situated in the Belriguardo Palace and it is divided in three sections: Archaeology, Renaissance and Modern Art.

last modified Apr 20, 2012 02:35
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