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Torre Abate
Constructed in the 16th Century, this is built on a rectangular plan with five openings.
Este Castle of Mesola
The most important building in the village is certainly the massive and elegant hunting castle built by the last Duke of Ferrara, Alfonso II during the second half of the XVIth Century.
Fossil Dunes of Massenzatica Reserve
This area, covered in dunes running in a North-South direction, is recognised by archaeologist as being one of the former coastlines of the Adriatic during the Etruscan period.
The Wood and Deer Museum of Mesola
The Wood and Deer Museum is located in the reception rooms of the Castle of Estense di Mesola.
Santa Giustina Wood - Po Delta Park
The forest is 4 km long, with a maximum width of 500 m. and a minimum of 100 m. The total surface is a bit more than 100 hectares.
Mesola Wood - Po Delta Park
The Gran Bosco della Mesola covers an area of 1,058 hectares which represent the remains of a woodland complex, once much larger, which originated around the year 1000.
Santa Giustina
An example of the rural planning of the 1950s,...
last modified Apr 10, 2012 04:20
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