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The Farmer’s market –Colours and Flavours of Ferrara

This market is organized fortnightly at Piazza Municipale or at Piazza Castello and it hosts producers from all over the Region.


Ferrara in Jazz

From October to April the Torrione San Giovanni, a splendid round tower along the Renaissance city walls, becomes a venue for jazz lovers


Ferrara Summer Festival

Concerts and shows during the summer period in the Historic Center of Ferrara. The setting of the city of Ferrara creates the atmosphere to experience unique evenings of entertainment


Il Cinquecento a Ferrara. Mazzolino, Ortolano, Garofalo, Dosso

A not-to-be-missed exhibition that recounts Ferrara's figurative culture of the early 16th century and the events that made the Este city a point of reference in the system of Italian Renaissance courts, through the voices of some of the authoritative protagonists of those years


Ferrara Food Festival

The agri-food excellences of Ferrara and its territory are on display


Maurizio Bottoni. Eterna pittura e Antonio Maria Nardi. I colori della vita

The rooms of the Estense Castle host the exhibitions about two important artists: Maurizio Borttoni and Antonio Maria Nardi

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