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Ferrara Buskers Festival 2024

Street performances

The largest and oldest Buskers Festival hosting artists from all over the world, this year takes place along Corso Ercole I d'Este, a beautiful Renaissance street
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The Ferrara Buskers Festival is the largest event in the world dedicated to street performers. The project was born in 1987 from the mind of Stefano Bottoni, lover of music and himself a musician.

Various ideas have sprung into his head but one, above all, gave life to the project. A newspaper article published on the 30th of July 1987, mentioned two musicians, with drums and guitar, removed from by the police force. Stefano Bottoni therefore thought that there could be a city, or at least a period, in which one could play on the street: his town, Ferrara. Stefano brought his idea to the Mayor who, unexpectedly, immediately supported it.
Probably the recent trip to New York had brought him closer to the street musicians seen in Time Square and he wished for a more cosmopolitan Ferrara. It was necessary to create the organization and the working force. Having written the project and made the team - the same Association active today - it was necessary to find a strong and international name. Thus, the word Buskers was also known in Italy, thanks to which today everyone knows and recognizes as the figure of the street musician.
In 1987 Stefano Bottoni, in his workshop, met Lucio Dalla, thanks to a fortuitous game of fate. Two years later, the great artist from Bologna, will be seen playing the clarinet together with Jimmy Villotti at the Festival, in a square in Ferrara, hidden amongst the other participating buskers.
Today the festival has many emulators, but the initial spirit, born of a man in his workshop, remains unchanged.


Much more than a music festival: the Ferrara Ferrara Buskers is Union. Union of art, music and different cultures.
Going around the festival is a journey, an experience in which at every step you can discover a new world.

The Ferrara Buskers Festival is a non-competitive parade. It includes two main sections: the invited musicians and the fringe credited artists. Both sections give life to the festival.

>60 artists for a total of 180 shows per day

>Every day 6 workshops for children and adults, 1 talk, 1 photographic exhibition and 2 book presentations for a 360° Festival experience

>An entire Food Village, a market and a relaxation area await you


-6pm-7pm: workshops for children and adults, talks, book presentations

-7.00 pm - midnight: Buskers and various art shows

-From midnight: DopoFestival at Parco Massari. Every night, as soon as the last busker concludes his performance, the concert lights come on with DJs and bars, for a non-stop Massari music experience.

-Sunday August 25th final show from 5pm to 9pm + Final party at Parco Massari


Ferrara - Corso Ercole I d'Este - Parco Massari


From August 21st to 25th,  2024 
Preview in Comacchio on  August 18th, 2024


- 1-Day Pass Intero - € 11 + ddp
- 1-Day Pass Ridotto -
€ 8 + ddp

- 3-Day Pass (21–23 agosto) - € 20 + ddp
- Full Festival Pass - € 40 + ddp


Associazione Ferrara Buskers Festival Via Mentessi, 4
telefax 0532 207048
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last modified Jul 25, 2024 01:12
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