Concerts at Palazzo Bonacossi
Music season organized by “G. Frescobaldi” Academy of Music
The 2014 Season opens with a homage to Richard Strauss (1864-1949) for his 150th anniversary of birth: on schedule, “The castle by the sea”, and “Enoch Arden” by Strauss with texts by Alfred Tennyson, as well as “The sad monk” by Franz Liszt (1811-1886), from the ballad by Nicholas Lenau.
February, 13th
I melologhi di Richard Strauss – 150° anniversary of Strauss
Concert – homage to Ruth Pardo and Lara D'Angelo Maria Grazia Dalpasso (piano), Pietro Calabretta (voice).
March, 4th
Piano concert “Quattro mani… e una tastiera: da Mozart a Gerswhin”
Luigi Di Ilio and Andrea D'Agostino
March, 11th
J. S. Bach, Sonate e Partite per violino solo - I
Alessandro PERPICH, violin
March, 19th
Ma… questi pezzi li (ri)conosco…!
Luigi DI ILIO, piano
March, 25th
Il pianoforte di F. Chopin
Fernando SCAFATI, piano
April, 1st
Un’arpa per tutte le stagioni
Antonella CICCOZZI, harp
April, 8th
…Scusi, le piace Brahms?” (Sonatas for piano and violin)
Simona BOTTA, violin - Luigi DI ILIO, piano
April, 15th
J. S. Bach, Sonate e Partite per violino solo - II
Alessandro PERPICH, violin
April, 29th
Chamber music: Shostakovich & Poulenc
Alessandro PERPICH and Luca MARDEGAN, violin - Achille GALASSI, viola - Valentina MIGLIOZZI, cello - Vanja GENTILE, oboe - Paolo BIAGINI, bassoon - Andrea AMBROSINI, piano
Pinacoteca Nazionale - Palazzo dei Diamanti - Corso Ercole I d'Este 21 - Ferrara
February 13th – April 29th, 2014
h. 6.00 pm
Event url
Free entrance
Pinacoteca Nazionale - Corso Ercole I d'Este 21 - Ferrara