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National Archaeological Museum
The museum, housed in the Palazzo Costabili, exhibits the findings of the Etruscan city of Spina which flourished from the 6th to the 3rd century B.C. and survived until the first centuries A.D.
Estense Castle
In Ferrara in 1385, a dangerous revolt convinced Niccolò II d’Este of the need to erect mighty defences for himself and his family thus the Castello di San Michele was built, a fortress erected against the people
Abbey of Pomposa
A masterpiece of Romanesque art, Pomposa Abbey can be seen from a distance with its towering campanile, which dominates the surrounding countryside like a "lighthouse" in the sea of green that surrounds it.
Este Castle of Mesola
The most important building in the village is certainly the massive and elegant hunting castle built by the last Duke of Ferrara, Alfonso II during the second half of the XVIth Century.
The reason for which this singular structure was built lies in the need for defending the city. In fact, the only means of access was from the confluence of the river ways.
last modified Feb 14, 2013 11:32
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