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The Po Delta Park

The Po Delta Park is a huge area set in the green of centuries-old woodlands, pinewoods and green areas, studded with examples of art of supreme beauty.

At 54,050 hectares, it is the biggest of Italy’s regional parks. In this landscape between land and water, nature is intermingled with the works of humankind: centuries of land reclamation have created a harmonic equilibrium between preserved natural environments and those used as economic resources. This is why the Po Delta was called "an exceptional planned landscape which preserves in a notable fashion its original form" in the citation when it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Park was created in 1988 by joint regional legislation of the neighbouring Provinces of Ferrara and Ravenna.

The territorial areas into which it is divided are called 'Stations':


Comacchio - Via Mazzini, 200
telefax 0533 318007
last modified Sep 16, 2013 06:54
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