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The Duchesses’ Garden

The Duke’s Garden, also known as “Duchesses’ Garden”, has been organized between 1473 and 1481, after the transformations of Palazzo Ducale, which has been partially rebuilt by the will of Duke Ercole I of Este.
The Duchesses’ Garden
The Duchesses’ Garden

The garden was described as a heavenly place: there were a golden fountain, some beautiful loggias, and an exclusive green area for the Duke and his Court. Magnificent flower beds, medical plants, flowers and fruit trees grew on sumptuous grass: there, the Duchesses of the Este Family (from Eleonora d’Aragona, to Margherita Gonzaga) used to spend their summer days at the coming of the XVI Century.

After the Este domination, some changes occurred to the garden, which now appears as a green space with some fruit trees and plants, as well as some small buildings.

The Garden today

In the garden - partially re-opened by the Municipality of Ferrara, after several restoration works – it is still possible to see the memories of a magnificent past, as the traces of huge pointed arches  and the remains of a XV Century loggia, over the so-called “Duchess’ Chapel”.



Ferrara - Entrance from Piazza Castello.
last modified Jan 18, 2021 11:43
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