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Salama da sugo - IGP

The undiscussed symbol of Ferrara’s gastronomy, the salamina, as it is affectionately called, ‘though a dish to be served at Christmas, is always present on the table of gourmets.
Salama da sugo - IGP

The first records on the salama da sugo date from the 15th century, with a letter by Lorenzo il Magnifico to Ercole II d'Este. A short poem, written in 1722 and entitled "Salameide" is dedicated to this delicious dish. The term salama da sugo is also to be found in the famous Modern Dictionary by Alfredo Panzini. The salama is an unusual mixture of pork meat with spices and red wine, sometimes enriched with Marsala wine or Brandy, which acquires its unmistakable taste after a long seasoning period, during which it remains either hanging from the ceiling or "resting" under the ashes in a cool, airy and above all dark room. The writer and great gourmet Mario Soldati said that the salama "alone was a satisfactory and extremely satisfying meal". The salama is still produced according to the tradition and can be bought in many butcher’s shops that guarantee the quality of their products.

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FESTIVAL OF THE SALAMA DA SUGO at Buonacompra (Cento), end July. Info: 051 6843390.
FESTIVAL OF SALAMINA DA SUGO at Madonna Boschi (Poggio Renatico), three weekends of September - beginning of October. Info: 0532 824542.

last modified Mar 31, 2020 01:06
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